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Flowers on Wood

Prof. Maya Schuldiner

Principle Investigator





Dept. of Molecular Genetics 
Meyer Bldg. Room 122 
Weizmann Institute of Sciences

Rehovot 7610001, Israel 

Short Bio - Prof. Maya Schuldiner

Prof. Maya Schuldiner was born in Israel. She graduated magna cum laude with a BSc in Biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1998. She went on to complete both her MSc and a PhD in genetics, also at the Hebrew University, in 1999 and 2003. Maya conducted postdoctoral research in the Laboratory of Jonathan Weissman at the University of California in San Francisco from 2003 until 2008, when she joined the faculty of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. She has been a tenured associate professor since 2015 at the department of Molecular Genetics at the Weizmann Institute of Science and a Full Professor since 2020.


Schuldiner serves as a reviewing editor in eLife and is a member of the editorial board of Life Science Alliance, Current Opinion in Cell Biology, BBA-Molecular Cell Research, PLoS Biology and Science Open. Schuldiner received a Human Frontiers Science Program Career Development Award in 2008 and became a member of the EMBO Young Investigator Programme in 2011 and of EMBO in 2017. She received three consecutive European Research Council grants (StG in 2010, CoG in 2015 and in 2020). Schuldiner is also the recipient of the FEBS Anniversary and National prizes (2015, 2017) and the EMBO Gold Medal award (2017). She was elected a member of Leopoldina, the German National Academy of Sciences and will be awarded the Jean Vance award for breakthrough discoveries in the contact site field this year. Schuldiner currently holds the Dr. Omenn and Martha Darling Professorial Chair in Molecular Genetics.

Maya's Journey





Graduated magna cum laude with a BSc in Biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem

MSc and a PhD in genetics, also at the Hebrew University

Postdoctoral research in the Laboratory of Jonathan Weissman at the University of California in San Francisco

Joined the department of Molecular Genetics in the Weizmann Institute of Science

I invite you to read some of my articles about academic career and soft skills in the lab's blog:

Or learn about the resources we've developed for the yeast research community:

Branch in a Glass Jar
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