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Lab Photos


Emma & Mike wedding 2024
Emma and Shani farewell 2024
Chanukah and Xmas 2023
Tu B'shvat planting activity 2024
Rapaport's lab visit 2023
Einat's farewell 2023
Eden Yifrach and Nir Cohen farewell Party 2022
Back to school day 2022
Enas Katawi farewell Party 2021
Mira Rosenthal farewell
Party 2022
Amir Fadel farewell Party 2021
Farewell Event From Noa 2021
Making a video for
Eva 2021
Michal Eisenberg-Bord
Farewell Party 2021
Hanukkah in Corona days
Maze experiment 2021
Back to school 2020
Corona days 2020
Volunteering activity at
Kaplan Hospital
Yeast meeting 2019
Lab Purim Costume as
Model Organisms 2020
Other Fun Lab Activities  
Over the Years
Schuldi Sport During Corona
Pandemic 2020
White Board Excitement
Lab Purim Costume as Model Organisms 2020
Friendship in the Schudi Lab
Pnina-Era in the lab
Volunteering at the Kaplan
Pub Crawl 2019
Farewell Party For Chen
Bibi 2019
Lab Purim Costume as
Eukaryotic Cell 2019
Jaffa tour 2019
Chanuka Party 2019
Trip to Soreq stream
Departmental Retreat 2019
Lab retreat 2018
Farewaell from Nadav Shai and
Uri weill 2018
Chanuka Party 2018
OEPM Groningen 2018
Lab retreat Palmachim 2018
Back to school day
Our Hanukkah Menorah
Lab open day
Lab cleaning and lunch 2018
Moving to the new lab
Rapaport lab group visit
Farewell from Nitzan
Trip to Jerusalem
Chanuka Party 2016
Ines and Patricks Wedding Party in Israel 2018
Lab Trip to Dessert 2015
Lab Olympics 2016
EMBO ER Meeting 2010
Farewell from Michal Breker, Yael Elbaz-Alon and Ofer Moldavski 2014
Yotam's farewell 2023
Lab Open Day 2023
Xmas/Novigod Party 2022
Yura's farewell 2023
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